
The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency

Hey, the FVZA is back. At least in the media, what's exactly where it never had used to occur during its existence. Everything had beenn strictly classified. But recently, a retired director of the agency, Dr. Hugo Pecos, started an initiative for letting people know about the discontinued service and their brave members. "The FVCA was no place for egos" stresses Pecos. "We just went out an did our job." Now, 34 years after the decision in favour of discontinuation of the agency had been taken, Pecos fears, that the humble and self-sacrificing work of his colleagues, many of whom wounded, crippled or killed in service, might be forgotten for all times. This is not going to be allowed, is it?

For further information visit www.fvza.org


Monty Python - Black Knight

The Black Knight ... fighting like a Zombie, isn't he?

Zombie-Survival British

Zombies like you and me

Zombies eat brain. But don't panic. Your brain is your private property!

Zombies in Plain English

You probably already might know this. But it's still a very useful instruction.


Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks

Max Brooks "The Zombie Survival Guide".

Great amateur film adaptation: "Always be prepared! They're coming!"